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Get Windows 8.1 Product Key

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Microsoft has made installing Windows using a bootable media device a lot easier. I am not talking about Windows XP— you cannot continue setup without entering serial key (Windows XP have a generic product key so anyone with the key could install it). This isn't seen in Windows 7 and neither Windows 10 as they let you skip Product Key during setup.

  1. Get My Windows 8.1 Product Key Free
  2. Find My Windows 8.1 Key
  3. Windows 8.1 Product Key Finder
  4. Where To Get Windows 8.1 Product Key

There is a reason why Windows 8.1 is still favorites of many people, and I'm not saying this because it uses fewer resources compared to Windows 10, it's that Windows 8.1 feels really different from Windows 10, Charms and drag-down-to-close is some of the best element that you won't find in Windows 10. Many tests shows that Windows 8.1 outperform Windows 10 in so many ways.

Why Windows 8.1 over Windows 10

Looking for windows 8.1 product key?To activate your windows 8.1 pro for free 2018.After upgrading new windows every user needs an product key.Today I will b. A genuine window needs a product key to run Windows 8.1. There are different serial keys for both windows 8.1 product key 32-bit and Windows 8.1 product key 64-bit. Windows 8.1 product key depends on where you have purchased the key. If you buy it from a store, you might get its digital printed copy from the seller.

Windows 10 is super-awesome, we all know that. A segment of users have been using Windows 8 or 8.1 for a long and eventually get used to charms and full-screen start menu. The Windows 8.1 is flexible in the automatic updates department, and it has the option to notify before downloading updates.How to SKIP the Product Key Check and Install Windows 8.1 Directly.

Java 6 se mac download. First things first, there can be two scenarios,

  1. You created a bootable USB device using ISO: It's easy to you, read on.
  2. You're using a Windows 8.1 DVD: You'll need an extra blank DVD. As we'll be adding a file (more of a text file), A tool is required to extract and edit the ISO file.

Plug the USB drive and open it in File Explorer. Navigate to the 'Sources' folder. It will look like the below screenshot. I assume that your computer doesn't have a running Windows installation at the time, or maybe you already formatted the hard drive in order to perform a clean install Windows 8.1, in that case, plug your USB thumb-drive to other computer and access the folder.

Once you're at /sources Right-click in the blank area, New > Text Document, name the file and open it with notepad or other text editing tool.

Now copy the following text and paste it


EditionID: Windows 8.1 edition, Professional, Single language, Home & Education.

It will look like this if you're unsure about the edition you can leave the first tag empty. The common mistake one could make is to save the file as text format.

Tip: Let the setup automatically write the Edition name (when you're unsure) just leave the [EditionID] empty (not the tag).

After that save the file as ei.cfg (not ei.cfg.txt). To do that look for the 'file' menu in notepad. For convenience, you can download the file from here, extract and copy the file into the source folder.

What if you're on Single Language edition?

Type CoreSingleLanguage below the EditionID tag, it will bypass the product key checking phase and let you straight install windows 8.1 on your computer.

When next time you boot from a Windows installation device, it will not ask you for the product key, and you will be able to install Windows 8 without any problems. Installing Windows is simple and straightforward but see this article to read step by step instructions throughout the setup.

Get windows 8.1 product key

Get My Windows 8.1 Product Key Free

Get Windows 8.1 Product Key
Find windows 8.1 product key from command prompt

Get My Windows 8.1 Product Key Free

Find My Windows 8.1 Key

Once you passed the Windows 8.1 setup, you'll be asked to enter serial key, which you can fortunately SKIP.

Windows 8.1 Product Key Finder

If you're a Windows 8.1 user there are many things that you're missing by not installing the Windows 10's latest fall creator build because it's now more stable than ever. There are still a few bugs that may brick-your-computer but that only occurs in specific hardware configuration, so more chances that Windows 10 will run just fine on your computer or laptop.

Where To Get Windows 8.1 Product Key

Upgrade to the Windows 10 fall creators update and enjoy so many new features including mixed reality, story remix, and timeline. What's more, we have is Cortana now performs power commands such as shutdown, log off and lock the computer.

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